This week, Fundación Isabel Gemio held the final evaluation event for the pilot tests of the Erasmus+ QUALITY YOUTH MENTORING FOR INCLUSION project. The aim was to bring together mentors and mentees to share experiences and gather their feedback on the mentoring process they participated in during the summer months. The pilot tests, carried out simultaneously in Spain, Italy, Cyprus, and Croatia, allowed us to identify the strengths of the process designed by the partnership and improve its results.
During the online event, both mentors and mentees emphasized that it was an enriching initiative that allowed them to connect with people in similar situations and, at the same time, learn new ways of facing reality. Participants also mentioned that they had developed their empathy, improved their communication skills, and applied new mechanisms to overcome daily challenges. “Beyond our illness, we were able to meet people with similar interests and hobbies. A great initiative to meet people and make new friends,” said one of the mentors. “This experience has allowed me to relive my youth and has filled me with life,” summarized another participant. “I believe the initiative is a learning experience for both mentors and mentees,” they added.
Additionally, the event featured the participation of Carolina Navalón, vice president of the Asociación de Artrogriposis Múltiple Congénita España and the first woman with a disability currently competing in Spain in the Stand Up Paddle (SUP) Race category. Carolina shared with mentors and mentees the results of the ‘Blue Soler Therapeutic SUP’ project, the first international clinical study to evaluate the benefits of Stand-Up Paddle for people with some degree of disability or disabling disease and musculoskeletal disorder.
We would like to thank all participants for their interest in the initiative, their kindness and availability always, as well as their empathy and eagerness to help.
If you would like to participate in the Erasmus+ QUALITY YOUTH MENTORING FOR INCLUSION, you can contact us at:
- +34 618 256 690
¡Join us!
The Erasmus+ project is co-funded by the European Union.
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