On February 16th, 2024, the partners of the Erasmus+ project QUALITY YOUTH MENTORING FOR INCLUSION met in Rome to hold the second transnational meeting of the project. The main objective of the meeting was to review the progress of the intellectual outputs and to develop the dissemination plan.
The partners have identified that the mentoring process for people affected by rare diseases will have three main beneficiaries:
- The affected people, who will develop their self-determination skills as well as their social and professional capacities.
- The institutions implementing the project, which will be able to create an inclusive working environment and to connect with individuals of unique skills, perspectives, and experiences.
- Parents/caregivers will benefit from the increased autonomy of the youth and a reduction in stress due to additional support from the mentor.

The project will also develop a training process for mentors that will provide them with tools and resources to guide the younger brother and help them achieve the goals and objectives established at the beginning of the project. Over the next few months, we will gather testimonials from people affected and we will carry out dissemination activities to raise awareness among people and the beneficiaries can proceed with the registration on the online platform.
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The Erasmus+ project is co-funded by the European Union.
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