Legal Warning

The FUNDACIÓN ISABEL GEMIO with registered office at GARIBAY, 7, 3º DERECHA, 28007, MADRID, SPAIN and with C.I.F.: G 85451433 registered in the Registro Nacional de Fundaciones del Ministerio de Educación, Política, Social y Deporte Nº1059, is the owner of this website and legally responsible for it and, in compliance with Article 10 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, 2002, on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, creates the following legal notice.

PURPOSE: This website has been designed to publicize and allow public access to information on the contents and various activities of the Erasmus+ QUALITY YOUTH MENTORING FOR INCLUSION. It also provides access to other information, products and services of entities other than the ISABEL GEMIO FOUNDATION, as well as those that become accessible through the «links» (links) and existing connections. The Isabel Gemio Foundation reserves the right to modify this policy at its discretion.

CONTENT: All content provided on this website has been prepared with information from both internal sources of the ISABEL GEMIO FOUNDATION, and external sources to the entity itself, which is why the Foundation is not responsible for the possible lack of updating or inaccuracy of the information from such external sources, responding only for those contents coming directly from internal sources and duly identified with its copyright. Therefore, before making any decision or taking any action, the Foundation recommends the User to verify the information received with another source.

GENERAL CONDITIONS: The use of the website implies full acceptance by the User of these conditions, so if you do not agree with their content, you should refrain from using the website and the services offered therein. FUNDACIÓN ISABEL GEMIO reserves the right to make the modifications it deems appropriate, being able to modify, delete or include, without prior notice, new contents and/or services, as well as the way in which they are presented and located and the conditions of use of the web.

CONDITIONS OF ACCESS AND USE: The User accepts that the access and use of the website and the contents included therein takes place freely and consciously, under his sole responsibility, and therefore undertakes to:

  • Not to use the web to carry out activities contrary to law, morality, public order, in general, and to make a lawful and honest use in accordance with these General Conditions, as well as to refrain from any act that could damage, disable, overload or deteriorate the web and/or prevent the normal use and utilization by the rest of the Users.
  • Not to manipulate or alter any content of the website without the express written consent of its owner. Any alteration, modification or manipulation without the consent of the owner, exempts it from any responsibility.
  • Not to reproduce, copy, distribute, publicly communicate, transform or modify the contents, unless you have the required authorization from the owner of the corresponding rights or it is legally permitted, as well as delete, evade or manipulate the copyright and other data identifying the rights of the owners incorporated into the contents, as well as technical protection devices, or any information mechanisms that may contain the aforementioned content.
  • Not to introduce or disseminate on the web, data programs (viruses or any type of harmful software) likely to cause damage to the web.

FUNDACIÓN ISABEL GEMIO does not guarantee the availability and continuity of the web nor is it responsible for any damages that may occur, nor for technical defects, including viruses or other harmful elements, whatever the nature, arising from the use of the information and materials contained on the web.