This week, Fundación Isabel Gemio held several training sessions for mentors and mentees to initiate new mentoring relationships as part of the Erasmus+ program QUALITY YOUTH MENTORING FOR INCLUSION, a project co-financed by the European Union.
Following the pilot tests conducted over the summer, the new mentors and mentees will begin their relationships using the improvements implemented thanks to the valuable experiences and practices shared by previous participants.
The project’s main goal is to create a European network of young people affected by rare or minority diseases, providing a space for personal and social growth. Through these mentorships, participants work on strengthening their confidence and self-esteem, recognizing their own strengths, and acquiring tools to set clear goals and effectively prioritize tasks.
In this way, Fundación Isabel Gemio reaffirms its commitment to inclusion and the empowerment of young people, with special focus on those affected by rare diseases.
The Erasmus+ project is co-funded by the European Union.
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